March 17

8 important jobs that people should be paid a lot more to do.


There’s nothing like a hard day’s work to give someone a sense of purpose.

Sure, you may come home feeling like a puddle of a human, drained from long hours…

GIF from “Arrested Development.”

…but if you take pride in your work, you can plop down at home with a feeling of triumph from all you were able to achieve for the day.

And maybe some cheese as a bonus. (#TreatYoSelf). GIF from “30 Rock.”

Unfortunately, self-worth is not an accepted form of payment for your creditors and bill collectors. So your paycheck really matters.

But in this age of gaping inequality, many aren’t earning fair wages for their labor. That’s especially the case in certain lines of work. Every day, millions of people clock into jobs that both support our daily lives and are critical to the country’s future.

They may not be developing the latest and greatest apps and gadgets or performing Wall Street wizardry to make money out of thin air, but they do make important contributions. And they’re being grossly underpaid for it.

If you work in one of these eight jobs, here’s to the prospect of a well-deserved raise:

1. Public school teachers


labor, money-work

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